Sunday, August 5, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
See you in 2008!

Image: © 2007 Click to enlarge.
Arto Saari from Finland wins Street and Rune Glifberg from Denmark takes 1st place in Vert. Curren Caples from sunny California wins Best Trick.
Actually the WSR07 started Tuesday morning in the Bilderberg Parkhotel with the teams for the Photocontest. For the next three days the photographers and their choosen skateboarders spread out in the city of Rotterdam to capture the ultimate skate picture with in the city limits. Joe Brook from California favoured the harbour of Rotterdam and shoot the photographers, skateboarders and publics favourite picture.
Congrats to Joe Brook from SLAP Magazine and his team for winning the WSR07 photocontest. Second place went to Davi Chami and third place to Rotterdam's local Marcel Veldman.
After just five days of buildup with tons of wood and a lot of great help from all the volunteers and helpers, the streetcourse [build and designed by IOU ramps] was finished in the Ahoy Stadium and in the middle of it a boat was floating...
Prequalifications were on the schedule all day on Friday and with a international line up on the street course the judges were pretty busy. Saturday started with the qualification for street.
Sunday started with the semis still in a jam format and a cut to 40, as well as the Vert Finals outdoor. The ten finalist took the risk of the windy conditions to skate in two jams of five men the finals of the WSR07. Each jam was 10 minutes long. In the second jam Sandro Dias from Brazil and Rune Glifberg from Denmark battled it out and first place went to Rune! Congrats to Denmark!
There are no words for the Final on Sunday. With the best ten skateboarders, chosen from the semis, the Final took place in a new pioneering system: the 10th place rider started with two minutes on his own. This time it was Fredrik Austbo from Norway with frontside 360s over the boat. After two minutes the 9th place Ondrej Leskoviansky from Slovenia drops in and they skated together for one minute. After three minutes it was time to go for Fredrik Austbo with a backside lipslide. Ondrej had now the minute of his life on his own with perfect 50/50 and crooked grinds until the 8th placed Anthony Schultz from USA started his time of three minutes. Number seven was Dominik Dietrich from Austria with frontside bluntslide down the big rail and big spins over the boat until 11-year old Axel Cruysberghs from Belgium drops in and starts his three minutes. Placed 5th in the semis was Arto Saari from Finland and heeled flipped up the stairs in his three minutes continuing with smooth backside lipsslides and tail slides kickflips over the pyramide and perfect crooked grinds. Tim Zom from the Netherlands not only place four for the Finals he also indy aired through the boat and skated his last minute together with David Loy from the USA, who did frontside 270s and nice transfers in his three minutes of fame, which he shared also with Chris Pfanner from Austria, who place 2nd in the semifinals. And then it was time for the last three minutes for the first place of the semis and that was David Gonzalez from Columbia doing beautiful smith grinds and nollies up the stairs.
Winner of this finals was Arto Saari from Finland!!!
Best Trick was done by Newcomer Curren Caples, 11-year old from Ventura, California with a 360s Varial Mute Grab over the boat.
We would love to continue, but it is time to thank all the people who helped this event happened and all the skateboarders, which made their way to the city of Rotterdam.
Hope to see you at the WSR08!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Photocontest results!

No, we did not forget. Here are the results of the Photocontest. After narrowly missing the big price two years ago Joe Brook now got his well deserved $10.000 check after being chased off a boat by a not-so-friendly-Russian crew. Nazdarovje!
Check out this really nice item on Joe and the photocontest. Most of it is in English [forward to 03:30mins].
Photo 01: Kenny Reed photographed by Joe Brook
Photo 02: Dave Chami
Photo 03: Louisa Menke photographed by Marcel Veldman

Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Arto Saari wins STREET!

Image: [click to enlarge]
01. Arto Saari, 25 (USA)
02. Ondrej Leskoviansky, (SLO)
03. Dominik Dietrich, 22 (AT)
04. Axel Crysberghs, 12 (BE)
05. David Gonzalez, 16 (COL)
06. Chris Pfanner, 23 (SPA)
07. David Loy, 10 (USA)
08. Anthony Schultz, 18 (USA)
09. Freddy Austbo, 19 (NO)
10. Tim Zom, 19 (NL)
Rune Glifberg wins VERT!
Semi-Finals Results STREET
1 David Gonzalez
2 Chris Pfanner
3 David Loy
4 Tim Zom
5 Arto Saari
6 Axel Crysberghs
7 Anthony Schultz
8 Dominik Dietrich
9 Ondrej Leskoviansky
10 Freddy Austbo
NOT through to the FINALS
11 Daniel Vieira
12 Peter Molec
13 Adam Dyet
14 Lukas Danek
15 Henning Braaten
16 Eero Anttila
17 Roberto Aleman
18 Neil Smith
19 Ricardo Oliveira
20 Marek Zaprazny
21 Curren Caples
22 Kilian Heuberger
23 Fries Taillieu
24 Tomas Vintr
25 Chris Aström
26 Rachid Addou
27 Martin Pek
28 Nelson Mosikili
29 Rob Maatman
30 Jonathan Thijs
31 Ruben Rodrigues
32 Helder Lima
33 Leander Geelhoed
34 John Dickson
35 Leon Huiskes
36 Andreas Welther
37 Timothy Deconynck
38 Marcelo Marrelo
39 Robbin Oost
40 Bryan Herman
Today's Schedule
12:00 Start Street Semi-finals
15:00 Start Vert finals (weather permitting)
16:00 Start Street finals
18:00 Pricegiving
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Results Vert-qualifications
1 Sandro Dias
2 Jurgen Horrwarth
3 Neal Hendrix
4 Renton Millar
5 Rune Gliffberg
6 Trevor Ward
7 Terence Bougdour
8 Sam Beckett
9 Nicky Guerrero
10 Sascha Muller
Not through to the finals:
11 Nathan Beck
12 Andy Scott
13 Thomas Kring
14 Jan Tomsovsky
15 Lecio Silva
16 Pontus Bjorn
17 Sean Goff
18 Bob Joosten
19 Emil Holst
20 Franziska Stolz
Qualification RESULTS (the good news).
1 David Loy, Santa Ana, USA.85.33
2 Adam Dyet, Saltlake, USA. 85.33
3 Peter Molec, Zvvolenska Slatina, SLO.85.00
4 Eero Anttila, Tampere, FIN.83.00
5 Daniel Vieira, Parana, BRA.83.00
6 Rob Maatman, Deventer, NL.82.33
7 Dominik Dietrich, Telfs, Austria.81.67
8 Freddy Austbo,Stavanger, NOR.81.33
9 Arto Saari, Huntington Beach, USA.81.33
10 Ricardo Oliveira , Uberlandia, BRA.81.00
11 Helder Lima, Lisbon, POR.81.00
12 John Dickson, Antioch, USA.80.67
13 Curren Caples, Ventura, USA.80.67
14 Axel Crysberghs, BEL.80.33
15 Tomas Vintr, Prague, CZ.79.00
16 Martin Pek, Prague, CZ.78.67
17 Ruben Rodrigues, Lisbon, POR.78.33
18 David Gonzalez , Columbia.78.33
19 Jonathan Thijs, Leuven, BEL.78.00
20 Leon Huiskes, Glanerbrug, NL.77.67
21 Lukas Danek, Prague, CZ.77.67
22 Chris Pfanner, Barcelona, SPA.77.67
23 Henning Braaten, Oslo, NOR.77.33
24 Neil Smith 22 Essex, UK.77.33
25 Roberto Aleman,Alicante, SPA.77.00
26 Fries Taillieu, Lauwe, BEL.76.67
27 Bryan Herman, Oak Hills, USA.75.67
28 Marcelo Marrelo, Curitiba, BRA.75.67
29 Nelson Mosikili, Amsterdam, NL.75.33
30 Robbin Oost, Westervoort, NL.75.00
31 Chris Aström, Norrköping, SWE.75.00
32 Anthony Schultz, Carlsbad, USA.74.67
33 Rachid Addou, Deventer, NL.74.33
34 Marek Zaprazny, Malacky, SLO.74.33
35 Timothy Deconynck, Oostende, BEL.73.67
36 Andreas Welther, Reutlingen, GER.72.67
37 Tim Zom, Rotterdam, NL.72.33
38 Ondrej Leskoviansky, Noja Dubnica, SLO.72.33
39 Kilian Heuberger, Munich, GER.72.00
40 Leander Geelhoed, Delft, NL.71.67
Qualification RESULTS
41 Nassim Guammaz
42 Paco Elles
43 Willian Seco
44 Willow Wildgrube
45 Kevin Tshala
46 Guus Both
47 Remco Staak
48 Dylan Perry
49 Thyago Ribeiro
50 Wieger Van Wageningen
51 Shuriken Shannon
52 Fabio Sleiman
53 Stephan Gunther
54 Jürgen Horrwarth
55 Chris Gregson
56 Conhuir Lynn
57 Shaun Stulz
58 Leandro Chico
59 Madars Apse
60 Woody Hoogendijk
61 Tom Ryen
62 Robin de Wit
63 Boaz Aqvino
64 Niels van der Zeeuw
65 Neverton Cazella
66 Justin Figuera
67 Martin Jurasek
68 Maxime Geronzi
69 Niek Zandstra
70 Sebastiaan Vijuerberg
71 Evelin B
72 Chris Oliver
73 Sewa Kroetkov
74 Kevin Vu
75 Douwe Macare
76 Michael Mackrodt
77 Danny Wainwright
78 Sven Kilchenmann
79 Niell Brown
80 Quim Cardona
81 Ross Mc Gouran
82 Mark Appleyard
83 Stanley Inacio
84 Tom Penny
85 Emil Holst
Bringing drinks & decks to AHOY.
WSR on NOS Headlines and RTL Summertour

A nice piece on the WSR07 on NOS Headlines (Dutch language alert!)

And the RTL "In het Land" summertour was in Rotterdam on Thursday. Summer-queens, windmills and the WSR!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Pre-Qualification Results
Through to the Qualifications
1 Nelson Mosikili
2 Martin Pek
3 Nasbim Gnammaz
4 Stephan Gunther
5 Robbin Oost
6 Niell Brown
7 Fries Taillieu
8 Niels van der Zeeuw
9 Timothy Deconynck
10 Tom Ryen
11 Martin Jurasek
12 Neil Smith
13 Sewa Kroetkov
14 Niek Zandstra
15 Robin de Wit
16 Guus Both
17 Leon Huiskes
18 Douwe Macare
19 Boaz Aqvino
20 Kevin Vu
21 Woody Hoogendijk
22 Jonathan Thijs
23 Kevin Tshala
24 Maxime Geronzi
25 Remco Staak
Not Pre-Qualified
26 Mack McKelton
27 Rudog Broer
28 Damiaan Winkelman
29 Pieter Jenken
30 Hessel van de Veer
31 Marcel Klauer
32 Ales Bubla
33 Maxim Habanec
34 Misha Cracker
35 Lute Elting
36 Robinson Kuhlmann
37 Billy Hoogendijk
38 Bastien Duverdier
39 Dirk Middelkoop
40 Robert Joosten
41 Joseph Biais
42 George Puffer
43 Jelle Maatman
44 Florian Bodenhammer
45 Enrico Petralia
46 Hans van Dorssen
47 Tomas Stejskal
48 Alex O
49 Max Hartveld
Slap Photo-editor Joe Brook on NOS

Check out Slap photomeister Joe Brook with some thoughts on the photocontest on NOS Journaal op 3 [forward to 3:40 mins].
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Bringing skateboards to the contest.
Ready, set.... GO!

We're set! Way in time all is fresh, clean and ready for a million wheels. Click here for the new 3D picture.
WSR on NOS and RTL
WSR will be on TV! NOS Journaal op 3 will do a piece on the photocontest and RTL4 in het land did some checkouts on the course. Watch and improve your knowledge of the Dutch language at the same time.
The contest format

Just a litle thing about the contest.
The whole street contest, except for the finals, will be in a jam-format which means 5 riders on the course per jam. Judging will give riders a score, so this is not a head-to-head system.
All heats will feature a couple of warm-up minutes, an introduction and finally: 5 minutes of competing time!
The street finals are still a secret but trust us: it's going to be very exciting!
Mystery Black & White premiere

The long awaited first Mystery video hit the screens in the USA and will premiering in Holland on Friday the 27th during the WSR07.
Screenings (19:00, 20:00 and 21:00) will take place at the Cinerama Cinema on the Westblaak 18. That's just next to the Left Skatestore. Tickets available in Left for €5.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
SLAP expo

SLAP Magazine, San Francisco's finest skateboarding magazine is celebrating it's 15th anniversary this year. After SF, Rotterdam is the 2nd city to have the special expo dedicated to this milestone.
Thursday the 26th the expo will open in Left Skatestore (Westblaak 28-30) at 20:00 (closes at 22:00). After the expo, the crew will go to Cafe De Unie (Mauritsweg 35) for the premiere of the new Maurice "Mouse" Verburgh video.
Besides photo's and magazine covers there will be DJ's and a Nike showcase of the SB Arlington SLAP shoe. Slap photo-editor Joe Brook will be available to comment on the expo.
The expo will be open to visits during the normal opening hours of the Left Skatestore (
The sessions after the weekend
WSR at shockjock Giel Beelen

Organizer Marco Jongeneel and Dutch Skatepunk Leander Geelhoed were guests on shockjock Giel Beelen's morning show. Of course Leander took all the nice Polaroid pictures with him but he left these two on the floor of the car.
Check out the show (in Dutch ofcourse!).
Schedule changes!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Saturday and Sunday, Galery V!PS will host a Deathbox Exhibition, here's the story behind it. Click here for the flyer.
With less than £2000, Deathbox started out in England back in 1987. To be accurate, February 27th 1987. The UK had a miserly youth business start-up program in those days, known as the “Enterprise Allowance Scheme,” and that is how the Deathbox legacy began. The £40 a week for two years that the government scheme provided was supposed to get Britain’s youth off the Dole by encouraging them to start up their own businesses.
Jeremy Fox, Duncan “Wurzel” Houlton and Graham “Mac” McEachran had got together in an East End of London pub, and made loose plans to form what would eventually become the most notorious company and winning team ever, outside the American skateboard industry.
The first Deathbox decks were smuggled in through a friend’s family who lived on an American Airbase near Oxford. No freight charges, no import duty and no VAT! The problem was that the first precious shipment of Wurzel decks got lost on some military airplane and did not show up until 6 months later. In the meantime, money had to be made and it needed to come out of thin air.
Jeremy Fox learned very quickly how to make skateboard helmets, and copied an old fibreglass Flyaway design from the late 70’s (on a hunch that it might make a comeback). Working out of a single car garage in the Buckinghamshire countryside, the early days of Deathbox started to roll along.
Decks were shipped in from the USA and screen-printed by hand, slide rails were cut from solid plastic sheet and stickers were screened using aerosol glue to hold them to the work bench! Gradually, the original Deathbox team started to come together. Mac joined as the artist and also as the second Pro rider. His artwork was often controversial and his bank and freestyle skating were an underground legend.
Mark Van Der Eng was the next to join the team, from Uitgeest in Holland. He made a solo trip to Warrington to meet up with Jeremy, and made the decision to join the Deathbox team very soon after. Then the others riders began to emerge: Alex Moul, Pete Dossett, Paul “Rocker” Robson, Rune Glifberg, Davy Van Laere, Nordien Quatbi, Jocke Olsson, Bruno Rouland, Andy Scott. And then finally, Sean Goff joined later on, and cemented the team as the most dominating force in European skateboarding history.
The team trips over to mainland Europe were as frequent as the company bank balance would allow. Without a care in the world about the business of making money, the team literally wreaked havoc across Britain and Europe; more often than not driving together in the trusty Ford Transit Van (F616 AVV).
Now based in a small (and decrepit industrial complex in Wellingborough, a shitty little town near Northampton), the company soldiered on through endless dramas and laughable business, with the only real focus to fund the team and manufacture Deathbox products to sell in order to keep the ball rolling.
Friendships were made that would last a lifetime, and a family of sorts was formed that would endure for the next twenty years in various different incarnations.
Skateboarding collapsed in 1990 and the toughest years for Deathbox were from then until 1994. Radlands opened up in Northampton and became a second home to the Deathbox team and Jeremy over these last years. The company camel’s back finally broke and the then current team as well as Jeremy Fox and long time helper/troublemaker Ian Deacon, all jumped on a plane and flew to America to see if they could cut it in the world capital of skateboarding: California.
The brand was re-named Flip, but the spirit remained the same. Now it is officially 20 years since the original Deathbox Skateboards began, and it seems appropriate to get the crew back together in Holland, together with the help of longtime Deathbox supporter and friend, Nico Van Der Wel.
This reunion is dedicated to the memory of Matt McMullan. A long-standing member of the Deathbox team, who tragically passed away in January 2006.
Deathbox will never die and we hope that the memories and the inspirations from the team, and the company, hold a special place in the hearts of “grown up” skateboarders around the world.
Riders, riders, riders...
Tom Penny, Mark Appleyard, Axel Cruysberg, Willow Helder Lima, Jürgen Horrwarth
Monday, July 23, 2007
Rider madness!
The course after just 4 days.
Friday, July 20, 2007
More confirmations!

More confirmations just in!!!!
Last year's king of the vert: Sandro Dias will be competing again. Other riders will be (street & vert): Corey Duffel, Angel Ramirez, Neal Hendrix, Chris Gregson, David Garrett, Tony Trujillo, Mathias Ringström, Tommy van Berkel, Niell Brown.
More rider inscriptions are coming in by the hour!
Confirmed Riders

Rider inscriptions are coming in really quickly now. Some riders that have been confirmed already, many more to come. Updates daily!
Renton Millar, Chris Troy, Anthony Schutlz, Shuriken Shannon, Justin Figueroa, David Loy, Lem Villemen, Alex Mizurov, Chris Pfanner, Dominik Dietrich, Henning Braaten and 2005 winner: Bastien Salabanzi !!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
$10.000 Photo Contest at the WSR07

A few days prior to the event, 15 selected photographers are taking part in the photo contest in search of the perfect skate picture within the city limits of Rotterdam. Results will be exhibit in the Ahoy stadium and a public vote will choose the winner, who gets the $10.000 for the best pic!
In addition the weekend is stuffed with a surrounding program of art exhibitions in graphic, photo and video and three days full of fine music and dazzling parties and a lot of nice people. For example the first real European skateboard brand "Deathbox" (named Flip after they moved to the USA) exposition with a reunion of former riders. We are also delight to celebrate SLAP Magazines 15th Anniversary with an exhibition during the WSR07…so don’t miss out on one of the most original skateboard contest in the world, that combines skateboarding with art, film, music, people and pleasure and be our friend at the WSR MYSPACE.
The contest will take place from the July 27–29 in charming Rotterdam, Holland. An international line up of the top Pros and Ams skateboarders like Arto Saari, Rune Glifberg, Geoff Rowley, Tom Penny and David Gonzalez promises excellent skateboarding. Furthermore Justin Figueroa and David Loy, Tony Trujillo, Corey Duffel and Adam Dyett are expected to battle it out for the 80.000,00 euro prize money.
The street contest is the core event of the weekend. The 2500 square meters inside the Ahoy stadium will be transformed by IOU-Ramps from Germany into a skateable paradise of wood, concrete and marble. The spectacular vert contest takes place right in front of the Ahoy stadium with the finals on Sunday night. The World Championship of Skateboarding in Rotterdam is sanctioned by World Cup Skateboarding.